The underwater world of the Brijuni archipelago

Scuba diving

Diving in the Brijuni aquatorium has been officially permitted since 2001, and special attention is paid to the organization of diving expeditions to preserve natural equilibrium. Scuba diving lovers can explore three locations in the Brijuni aquatorium: Sveti Jerolim, Peneda and Grunj The Brijuni aquatorium is especially known for its beautiful submarine world and large schools of fish that will enchant every diver who will enjoy moments spent in our sea depths.

Independent diving

The waters of the Brijuni National Park are extraordinary for scuba diving, which is organized through guided groups of divers that can view and photograph the seabed of the national park.

Physical articulation of the archipelago

As far as diving is concerned, there is a wide choice of themes and depths and almost every demand can be met. The physical articulation of the archipelago, its islets, rocks and shoals, the indented coastline and the different exposition of bays, capes and passages to squalls and waves and the different kinds of rocky and sedimentary sea beds point to the fact that in this relatively small area (around 40 km2), many species of marine organism can be seen. The seabed of the Brijuni National Park, by its primary characteristics, does not vary from other areas of the northern Adriatic. The diversity and the density of populations and the preservation of natural habitats are its main values. Particularly rich and diverse is the fish stock that prospers protected from overfishing.

Dense fish population

The fish populations are representative by their density and the size of single specimens. Besides the common, commercial species like two-banded breams, groupers, dentexes, forkbeards, black umbers, etc., there are numerous and beautiful fish from the blenny and labrid species. It is the fish fauna that makes the waters of Brijuni unique and different from other parts of the Adriatic.

Brijuni as refuge and "nursery" of species

The area of Brijuni is the only island group in the northern Adriatic that has resisted the adverse consequences of industry and the expansion of tourism, which again makes it very unique and priceless. Its waters are the only refuge and "nursery" for many plant and animal species which, under the influence of pollution, tourism and overfishing are quickly disappearing in other parts of western Istria and northern Adriatic.

Location around the southwestern cape of the Sv. Jerolim island

Diving site Sveti Jerolim

Variety of colorful organisms

This site is located around the southwestern cape of the Sv. Jerolim island. Diving takes place along a wall with three ravines up to 27 meters deep. The site abounds with algae, cnidarian species and shells, but you can also find European conger, red scorpionfish, common two-banded seabream, octopus and crustaceans. Abundance of colorful species around the rocks provide wonderful photo opportunities for divers.

Protected species in Park waters include the noble pen shell and date mussel, as well as the branching sponge and golf ball sponge.

Recommended time of year for visit: May to October.

Accessible to persons with disabilities: No

Note: Diving in Brijuni National Park is available through certified diving centers in Fažana and Pula. Contact info is available in the Brijuni National Park.

One of the most attractive diving sites in Brijuni aquatorium

Diving site Peneda

Large schools of fish and the abundance of submarine life

The site is located along the southeastern coast of Cape Peneda, and is one of the most attractive diving sites in the Brijuni aquatorium. At the depth of 6 meters, there is a plateau receding in steps to 28 meters below sea level with recesses in the seafloor. Already after the first several minutes of diving, it becomes clear how well-protected the site is, given the large schools of fish frequently present in the area, and the abundance of life characteristic for Brijuni.

Deeper habitats are inhabited by precoraligenic and coraligenic communities, with green and red algae as the foundation, coupled with a number of sponges, polychaetes, tunicates, moss animals and other organisms. When it comes to coral groups, sunset cup coral and cushion coral are particularly frequent.

Recommended time of year for visit:May to October.

Accessible to persons with disabilities:No

Note:Diving in Brijuni National Park is available through certified diving centers in Fažana and Pula. Contact info is available in the Brijuni National Park.

Location along the western coast of the Grunj island

Diving site Grunj

Rich fish fauna

The site is located along the western coast of the island of Grunj, almost right along the western boundary of the Brijuni aquatorium. Fish fauna is what makes the submarine world of Brijuni so extraordinary and different from all other areas of the northern Adriatic, as the divers who decide to explore the site will see first-hand.

Particularly prominent fish species in the area include common two-banded seabream, white seabream, European conger, gilt-head bream, common dentex, red scorpionfish, salema and brown meagre.

Recommended time of year for visit: May to October.

Accessible to persons with disabilities: No

Note: Diving in Brijuni National Park is available through certified diving centers in Fažana and Pula. Contact info is available in the Brijuni National Park.

Discover the well-hidden secrets of the Brijuni submarine world and dive into the deep sea.