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General Terms and Conditions for Sale and Payment of Tickets for the Public Institution Brijuni National Park

Purchase and payment of tickets through the web shop of the PUBLIC INSTITUTION BRIJUNI NATIONAL PARK (hereinafter referred to as: the Website) is possible only for the Brijuni National Park (hereinafter referred to as: the Park) with which the RAO d.o.o. company concluded an agreement on distribution and acquisition of tickets through the website.
The terms of the Privacy Policy of the PUBLIC INSTITUTION BRIJUNI NATIONAL PARK shall apply alongside these General Terms and Conditions for Sale of Tickets for the Park through the Website.

Ticket types

Through our Website, the Users can purchase standard ticket types as defined by the Park.
Upon purchasing the tickets from the Website, the User selects the type and the quantity of tickets s/he wants to purchase.
The use of purchased ticket is subject to the Terms and Conditions of Use of Park Tickets, whereas the ticket use period depends on the type of ticket purchased (season, pre-season, off-season tickets, etc.).

Issuing receipts

Following the implementation of the Fiscalization Act, the ticket does not have the value of receipt, and therefore a receipt is issued together with purchased ticket.
The receipt and the tickets will be sent to the User's registered e-mail address.
If the User wants to receive an R-1 invoice, the User must enter the data necessary for the issuing of R1 invoice before order placement confirmation and payment. The User is responsible for the accuracy of all data entered during the purchase. Subsequent changes are not possible. 

Print@home tickets – Takeover and use

Print@home is the service of printing tickets purchased through the Website (Print@home ticket).
Each Print@home ticket has got a unique printed 1D barcode.
One Print@home ticket with one 1D barcode is printed for each ticket.
Following the completion of purchase, the User must print the purchased Print@home ticket and present it upon arrival to the Park. Exceptionally, in the event of inability to print the Print@home ticket, the User can show it on his/her smartphone. Subsequent printing of Print@home ticket at the salespoints of the Park is not possible.  

Upon the arrival to the Park, the User has tos scan the Print@home ticket using the Park entry control devices or show the ticket to the Park employee in charge of controlling the entry to the Park in order to validate and cancel the Print@home ticket.
Any copying, distribution, transfer, publishing or changing the Print@home ticket is forbidden!
In the case of duplicate of a Print@home ticket, the right to admission and validity of the ticket will be exercised by the first person who scans the Print@home ticket using the ticket scanning devices at the entrance or who presents the said ticket to the Park employee in charge of ticket control.  
The User is responsible for printing and using the Print@home ticket that s/he receives at the registered e-mail address following the completion of purchase procedure through the Website.
The Park and the RAO d.o.o. company will not be liable for cases of duplicates of Print@home tickets, nor in the case of any other misuse of issued, charged and delivered Print@home tickets.
In the case of transferring the Print@home ticket from the User (buyer) to third parties, these Terms and Conditions will be transferred and adhered to by any holder of the said ticket. The User is obliged to inform the person to whom the ticket has been transferred about the provisions of these Terms and Conditions.
For all further information about the Park (working hours, sights, events, etc.), as well as the type and manner of ticket use, the User should refer to the official website of the Park.

Purchased ticket cancellation and/or exchange

All orders and acquisitions of tickets through the Website are legally binding and final, and can therefore not be cancelled, modified or upgraded to a different ticket type.
Each Print@home ticket purchased from the Website becomes valid upon finishing the purchase process, i.e. sent Confirmation of Purchase and issued receipt.
If the Print@home ticket is not used, it is not possible to return it and receive a refund.

Inquiries, objections and complaints

All inquiries and requests for additional information regarding the Website of the PUBLIC INSTITUTION BRIJUNI NATIONAL PARK can be e-mailed to: [email protected]
All inquiries, objections and complaints regarding the use of purchased tickets can be submitted directly at the Travel Agency of the Park and/or on the official Website of the Park.

All inquiries, objections and complaints regarding the work of the Website for ticket purchase and payment can be mailed to: Brionska 10, 52212 Fažana, Croatia,
submitted by phone: +385 52 525 882 or +385 52 525 883
or e-mailed to: [email protected]