Excellent choice of food and good service

Galija restaurant

The catering offer on Brijuni has been attracting attention from the beginning of the 19th century to the present day. Excellent choice of food and high quality service, relaxation and harmony with a touch of mysticism, are the characteristics of what you will enjoy if you decide to stay and dine in one of the Brijuni catering facilities.  

The founder of tourism and the man behind the touristic boom in Brijuni Islands is Paul Kupelwieser. Members of the European jet set were staying in hotels, experiencing the luxuries of restaurants and magnificent terraces at the seashore, enjoying the gastronomic skills of the best culinary masters of their time. 


Food with a rich history

Today, at the beginning of a new millennium, the catering offer on Brijuni is striving towards new trends of enjoyment in food and drinks, and the areas where the food is prepared and served represent a connection with the rich history. Although culinary arts and the food and drink culture have changed through the years, today, in special occasions, we try to awaken our visitors’ imagination with a dish or two prepared according to recipes from the rich Brijuni history. 

The most popular restaurant

Galija Restaurant is our most popular restaurant with 70 seats inside and 70 on the terrace. It is located in the immediate vicinity of the central quay. If you choose Galija, you can enjoy the creative Mediterranean cuisine with a good selection of fish and meat dishes and flambéed desserts. 

Reward yourself and your taste buds with Mediterranean delicacies and indulge in the flavors of our cuisine.  

WORKING HOURS: https://www.np-brijuni.hr/hr/p...