Participants: 10 project partners + 21 associate partners
Lead Partner: MedPAN - the network of Marine Protected Areas managers in the Mediterranean
Financing: co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund in the framework of Interreg Med programme of the European Union (2014-2020 programme period)
Priority Axis: 3 - Protecting and promoting Mediterranean natural and cultural resources
Specific Objective: 3.2 - To maintain biodiversity and natural ecosystems through strengthening the management and networking of protected
Project duration : 32 months
Implementation period : 01 / 11 / 2019 - 30 / 06 / 2022
Total Budget: 2,664,000.00 €
Partners receive a contribution of 85% of the project costs from the programme and the remaining 15% are partners' own or other public funds.
When they are effectively managed, Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are one of the most effective tools for the conservation of marine biodiversity. But to perform, Mediterranean MPAs need more human capacity, skills and financial resources.
Despite the increase of Marine Protected Area (MPA) coverage in the Mediterranean, the objective of maintaining marine biodiversity is far from being met.
Over the years, MPA practitioners have come to realise that working together would help address some of the challenges they face and MPA managers networks such as MedPAN have emerged and developed.
The MPA NETWORKS project intends to boost these dynamics with the strengthening of MPA managers networks at all levels in the Mediterranean. The expected result? MPAs are empowered to serve their purpose and deliver the results that will benefit nature and sustain our livelihoods.
The MPA NETWORKS project will focus on providing sustainable solutions to challenges requiring an approach that goes beyond MPA boundaries. These challenges include the global question of management effectiveness, and more specifically the management of Small-Scale Fisheries in MPAs, the conservation of mobile species and the development of sustainable financing mechanisms for MPAs.
LEAD PARTNER - The MedPAN organization was created at the request of some Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas managers in 2008 with the mission to coordinate the MedPAN network, the network of Marine Protected Areas managers that exists since the 90s. The non-profit organization was created in 2008 and its permanent secretariat is in place since the end of 2009. MedPAN aims to promote the establishment, the operation and the sustainability of a Mediterranean network of MPAs.
The Marine Protected Area of Portofino extends around the homonymous Promontory in the municipalities of Camogli, Portofino and S. Margherita Ligure. It was established with a decree of the Italian Ministry of Environment in 1999, it is a SPAMI site since 2005 and an LTER site since 2007; it is divided into three zones A, B and C with different level of protection. The management Consortium is made up of: The Metropolitan City of Genoa, the Municipalities of Camogli, Portofino and Santa Margherita Ligure, the University of Genoa.
Created in the 14th December in 1963, the National Park of Port-Cros is among the oldest french national parks and the first marine park, whose cores occupy about 1700 ha lands and 2 900 ha marines’ surfaces. Since 1999, the Park is also working on a cooperation mission for the establishment and the monitoring of the International Sanctuary of the Marine Mammals, which is the result of a tripartite agreement between Italy, the Principality of Monaco and France.
The AMP of Torre Guaceto is managed by a Consortium. The Management Consortium was established by the Municipalities of Brindisi and Carovigno and the Italian Association for WWF for Nature Onlus in December 2000. The purpose of the Consortium is to manage the protected area, both land and sea, called "Torre Guaceto". It was established by Decree of the Ministry of the Environment and Territory Protection 04.02.2000 (G.U. n. 124 of 30/05/2000) and the surrounding areas.
Torre del Cerrano MPA was established in 2009 by a decree of the Ministry of the Environment and Protection of Land and Sea. It extends up to 3 nautical miles from the coast and develops for 7 km, with a total surface of about 37 square km. The management is entrusted to a Consortium made up by the municipalities of Pineto and Silvi, the Province of Teramo and the Abruzzo Region.
Along the coast of western Istria, there are several groups of islands among which the most interesting, the largest and the most indented is the Brijuni group of 14 islands and islets. The total surface area of the Brijuni National Park is 3,395.00 ha, of which there is 2,651.70 ha of sea, while the surface of the islands is 743.30 ha. The length of all island coastlines amounts to 46.82 km, while the length of the sea border amounts to 22.93 km. The shores are mostly low and rocky but easily accessible due to the horizontal stratification of the rocks, and in some bays gravel and sand can be found. The Brijuni National Park includes 14 islands.
Landscape Park Strunjan covers 428.6 ha and includes the longest section of natural coastline in the Gulf of Trieste and a geologically active flysch cliff rising above it. The area of the Park embraces the Strunjan Peninsula with 200 meters long belt of the sea and the inner part of Strunjan Bay. The Park was established in 1990, in order to conserve valuable natural features, biodiversity and landscape diversity within it. It is part of the European network of ecologically significant Natura 2000 sites and in 2019 was listed as SPAMI (Specially Protected Areas of Mediterranean Importance).
The National Marine Park of Zakynthos (N.M.P.Z.) was established by a Presidential Decree in December 1999 (Government Gazette 906D, December 22, 1999), and is the very first institutionally established National Park area in Greece administered by a Management Agency. The National Park is, of course, the site of a variety of human endeavours, with tourism and agriculture as the main activities. The area of the N.M.P.Z. is well known as one of the most important rookeries of the Loggerhead sea turtle Caretta caretta in the Mediterranean. The area of the N.M.P.Z. is also characterized by the presence of the endangered monk seal Monachus monachus, the rich migrant avifauna and endemic flora, as well as the habitats of European and Mediterranean interest like sand dunes and halophile vegetation systems and meadows of the sea grass Posidonia oceanica.
It is a no-profit foundation dedicated to the conservation of the Balearic Sea and coast and it believes that healthy marine ecosystems can be reconciled with economic prosperity. Its core costs are covered by Adessium Foundation so every euro donated to Marilles supports live projects directly linked to the conservation of the Balearics
The Institute of Nature Conservation in Albania -INCA is a Non-Governmental and non-profitable organization (NGO), established in July 2000. INCA has its main office in Tirana, but operates with its staff at national level. From December 2009 INCA had been approved as a member of International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and represent the World Wild Fund for Nature (WWF) in Albania having a continuous contact with their regional structure and also efforts for implementing joint projects. Since December 2008, INCA is also member of the Global Water Forum (GWF). From the last three years INCA is leading the network of the NGOs for "Nature Protection" that include for the moment 8 organizations placed in all the country.
Associated Partners
(photo 2)
The MPA NETWORKS project aims at reinforcing MPA management through on-site pilot activities, trainings, networking of MPA managers at different levels around the Mediterranean and the development of joint recommendations to support marine conservation and their integration in international, European, national and local strategies. It involves 10 partners representing MPA managers, from Spain, France, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Albania and Greece, and 21 associated partners representing institutional organizations of international (IUCN, RAC/SPA etc.) and national levels (French Agency for Biodiversity, Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Nature Conservation etc.).
A short overview of the main objectives
1. Strengthen management effectiveness of MPAs through pilot sites testing, by capitalising on previous EU projects, integrating knowledge, building capacity and ensuring transfer of solutions in MPAs
The project will enable the MPA partners to use results of previous EU projects to improve their management activities in their pilot site in relation with key challenges. Results of those pilot sites will be
transferred to other MPAs thanks to networking activities. Mediterranean MPAs will benefit from a large support for transfer and networking activities to improve their management capacities, develop their skills, knowledge and ability to respond to local challenges building upon the experiences of other MPAs in the Mediterranean. Thematic working groups of experts around the Mediterranean as well as MPA training centres will contribute to this support.
2. Reinforce the performance and durability of networks of MPAs at different scales by improving functioning, governance,communication and financial sustainability and create connections between networks
Networks at different scales will be strengthened to ensure effective experience sharing, integrated knowledge, dynamic communication and true bottom-up and top-down approaches. The objective is to reinforce the MedPAN network (improved governance,communication and secured financing plan), support supra-national networks to bring specific dynamic to the territories and responding to local challenges (AdriONPAN, Pelagos area). National networks of MPAs will also contribute to sharing and dissemination activities (Spain, France, and prefiguration in Croatia). Each network will be improved thanks to mutual support; connection between networks will be created to ensure a dynamic communication at all levels.
3. Develop common recommendations for policy makers to reach a better integration of MPA management needs in international, Mediterranean, European, national and local strategies
Based on the 2020 Mediterranean MPA Status Report and Roadmap evaluation, the project will produce Mediterranean recommendations on post-2020 MPA objectives to be spread during the 2020 international events (with thematic ones and specific ones for the Adriatic Ionian Macro Region). The project will develop joint communication messages at different scales and towards different targets (policy-makers, donors,stakeholders) to better raise attention on MPA effectiveness values and needs and the role of networks of managers. The contents will be adapted to the national and local context and disseminated in the participating countries.
Several types of activities will be led from November 2019 to April 2022 with a cross-cutting approach to use and apply methodologies and tools developed during previous projects (Programme Med and others).
This scaling up will be supported by networks of actors sharing the same interests at different levels (thematic groups, national or supra-national alliances, Mediterranean cooperation):
Project activities will mainly be implemented in 9 Mediterranean MPAs:
Port Cros National Park in France: Pilot action on management effectiveness & small scale fisheries - Training centre - Mobile Species Working Group host & coordination (with Portofino)
Portofino MPA in Italy: Pilot action on sustainable financing & small scale fisheries - Mobile Species Working Group host & coordination (with Port Cros) - Direct peer-to-peer support with Malta
Torre del Cerrano MPA in Italy: Pilot action on small scale fisheries
Torre Guaceto MPA in Italy: Pilot action on small scale fisheries & mobile species conservation - Training centre - Fisheries Working Group host & coordination (with Mediterranean Conservation Society - Gökova MPA, Turkey)
Brijuni National Park in Croatia: Pilot action on management effectiveness - Training centre - Financing Working Group host & coordination (with Marilles)
Zakynthos National Marine Park in Greece: Pilot action on mobile species conservation - Training centre - Capitalisation Workshop + Associated Partners meeting + PSC + Meeting of MPA networks
Strunjan Landscape Park in Slovenia: Pilot action on small scale fisheries & conservation of mobile species - Direct peer-to-peer support with Debeli rtic
Karaburun Sazan National Marine Park in Albania: Pilot action on small scale fisheries
Llevant Marine Reserve in Spain: Pilot action on sustainable financing - Financing Working Group host & coordination (with Brijuni) - Final event + Associated Partners meeting + PSC
Brijuni NP Coordinator: Martina Hervat
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: +385 52 525 816
Address: Public Institution Brijuni National Park, Brionska 10, 52212 Fažana, Croatia
More information about the project:
Nacionalni Park Brijuni
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